
Africa Illovo Sugar: Developing climate resilience through collaboration
This case study Africa Illovo Sugar: Developing climate resilience through collaboration shows how businesses can work together to reduce social, environmental and economic impacts of their production.

The Role of Sustainability-oriented Social Enterprises in Boosting Green Livelihoods and Business Opportunities in Rural Contexts
The case study The Role of Sustainability-oriented Social Enterprises in Boosting Green Livelihoods and Business Opportunities in Rural Contexts reviews the cases of capacity building and knowledge improvement of rural livelihood in rural communities related to sustainable and low-carbon...

What Makes Green SMEs Start Up? A Brief on Enablers, Barriers and Recommendations for Action
Why focus on green SMEs? Because green small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) represent a key win-win strategy for the economy and the environmental transformation. Taken together, SMEs have a greater impact on the economy and the environment than large companies.

How can businesses prepare for investment-readiness?
The study provided a better understanding of what works in the field of initiating and developing green businesses, how it works and why. Based on the conclusions of the first round of research, the first part of the guide provides an easy-to-use tool to think through, plan and analyse business...

Transformative strategies, win-win solutions and enabling conditions for energy poverty eradication and climate resilient livelihoods - Insights from India, Indonesia and South Africa
Ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services for all by 2030 (UN Sustainable Development Goal 7.1) would require bringing energy to 1.1 billion people currently without electricity and nearly 2.8 billion people without access to clean cooking facilities.