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Upcoming Events
7 November 2018 | Brussels
GREEN-WIN focused on macro-economic and green business strategies that address both economic and climate goals, as well as the role finance plays within these.
TRANS-RISK studied risks and uncertainties within low emission transition pathways, and how transitions can be implemented in ways that are economically and sociably feasible.
CD-LINKS explored the complex interplay between climate action and development, while simultaneously taking both global and national perspectives and thereby informing the design of complementary climate-development policies.
The Policy Day integrates these perspectives by collectively presenting the core findings of these projects together with their implications for climate policy.
Transformative strategies, win-win solutions and enabling conditions for energy poverty eradication and climate resilient livelihoods - Insights from India, Indonesia and South Africa
11 July 2018 | Dr. J. David Tàbara, Pacia Diaz, Louis Lemkow, Auditya Sary, Dr. Takeshi Takama, Lauren Hermanus, Sean Andrew, Gina Ziervogel, Manisha Mishra
The emergence of collaborative transformative capacities for urban sustainability in Barcelona
06 July 2018 | by Dr. J. David Tàbara, Pacia Diaz, Dina Hestad, Louis Lemkow
The Barcelona case study has explored the required conditions and capacities as well as the barriers and opportunities and associated complex dynamics that facilitate the emergence of win-win solutions, organisations and new forms of business models supportive of urban sustainability. Read here
Can Societies Adapt to 21st Century Sea-level Rise?
29 June 2018 | Dr. Jochen Hinkel
Sea-levels may rise substantially above 1 or even 2 meters during the 21st century. To what extent will coastal societies be able to adapt? Following the headlines, one easily gets the impression that sea-level rise will simply wash away coastal cities and small islands. While these risks are real, the picture is incomplete because it lacks consideration of adaptation. Read here
Sustainability transition through energy efficiency in the housing sector of Istanbul
22 June 2018 | Mahir Yazar, Dr. Ali K. Saysel
Case study investigats Istanbul’s seismic-risk driven urban renewal projects and the drivers of energy efficiency in residential buildings Read here
Challenges to establishing agroecological SMEs
22 June 2018 | Elena Apostoli Cappello, Dr. Sander van der Leeuw
The blog summaries comparing two cases, an unsuccessful one on the small island of Sant’Erasmo in the Venice lagoon, and a successful one in the city of Bologna. Success and failure depend on the business model adopted, the people involved and their knowledge and capabilities, but also on the institutional and cultural context of the attempts involved. Read here
Transforming urban mobility towards sustainability through the sharing economy
21 June 2018 | Dr. Yuge Ma, Dr. Diana Mangalagiu, Dr. Thomas F. Thornton
How can cities harness the power of sharing mobility business innovation towards sustainable transformation? Read blog on Shanghai case study. Read here
The Ability of Societies to Adapt to Twenty-First-Century Sea-Level Rise
June 2018 | Publisher(s): Nature Climate Change | Author(s): Jochen Hinkel, Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, Sally Brown, Jose A. Jiménez, Daniel Lincke, Robert J. Nicholls, Paolo Scussolini, Agustín Sanchez-Arcilla, Athanasios Vafeidis, Kwasi Appeaning Addo
Against the background of potentially substantial sea-level rise, one important question is to what extent are coastal societies able to adapt? This question is often answered in the negative by referring to sinking islands and submerged megacities. Although these risks are real, the picture is incomplete because it lacks consideration of adaptation.
Community-Centred Infrastructure Design Process for Resilience Building in South African Informal Settlements: The “Genius of Space” Solid Waste and Greywater Infrastructure Project
May 2018 | Publisher(s): Case Studies in the Environment | Author(s): Lauren Hermanus, Sean Andrew
This article presents an analysis of the case of Genius of Space waste and wastewater management infrastructure in the Western Cape, South Africa. While the process has been imperfect and slow to show results, this analysis reflects on the gains, lessons and potential for replication that this work has produced. The Genius of Space approach adds to a growing area of practice-based experimentation focussed on incrementalism and adaptive development practices in urban environments, particularly in developing countries.