Invitation to second GREEN-WIN Global Dialogue

05 October 2016

The GREEN-WIN project will hold its Second Global Dialogue on win-win strategies, green-growth pathways and green business models to support the achievement of climate goals, in Vienna, Austria from 7-8 February 2017. The overall goal of the Global Dialogue process is to produce shared policy narratives and innovative pathways on how to implement win-win solutions, green growth pathways, green business models and funding mechanisms that support climate action within the framework of sustainable development. 

The first Global Dialogue was held in April 2016, and provided an opportunity to discuss the challenges of meeting economic and climate goals, develop a vision for the kind of world and economy that we want in the future, and begin a discussion of possible win-win solutions and how they contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. 

This second Global Dialogue will carry forward these results build on the win-win solutions identified to date by workshop participants and the GREEN-WIN project team. Participants will be invited to share short presentations on win-win solutions with which they are familiar.  Within the context of the vision developed at the first workshop, but with an emphasis on the immediate future, participants will identify what needs to be done in order to implement those win-win solutions. What enabling environments, policies and capacities are required for the win-win solutions to flourish? How can win-win solutions be scaled up? For which sectors are win-win solution not available or difficult to develop? Are win-win solutions sufficient for meeting climate goals? How can win-win solutions be aligned in order to achieve both short-term and long-term goals?

The workshop will take place at the magdas Hotel in Vienna, Austria from 7-8 February 2017. For more information, and to register, please contact moritz.kammerlander (at) The first round deadline for registration is 18 October 2016.
