GREEN-WIN Participated in the EC Decarbonisation Projects Networking Workshop
On 7 February 2018, GREEN-WIN participated in the Decarbonisation Project Networking Workshop, which was organised by EC DG Research and Innovation (RTD) and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME).
The goal of the workshop was to bring together EU-funded climate mitigation projects with the objective to stimulate peer-to-peer and science-to-policy discussions on how to get the most out of EU-funded projects for the benefit of the society and policy-making.
Coordinators and representatives of 18 EU funded projects attended and participants discussed the main findings obtained so far specially in the face of the new IPCC 1.5º C Special Report and reflected on news ways of mutual collaboration and project design with particular emphasis on developing new ways of stakeholder involvement and improving the science-policy interactions. The workshop allowed for fruitful interactions, especially during the poster and break-out group sessions, with plenty of time to discuss common interests and possible future collaborations.
J. David Tàbara explained the scope and mains results obtained so far of the GREEN-WIN project in a flash presentation, together with a poster.