Securing macro-economic gains from decarbonisation investment: the finance dimension and an Italian case study
Two years since the negotiation of the Paris Agreement, the global community faces significant challenges in mobilizing the investment required to meet the goals established.
“Bridging the Finance Gap: Attracting Non-Public Finance to Coastal Adaptation” Stakeholder Workshop
On November 30 and December 1, 2017, Deltares and the Global Climate Forum hosted a workshop in Delft, Netherlands, titled “Bridging the Finance Gap: Attracting Non-Public Finance to Coastal Adaptation”.
Facilitating access to impact investment – the role of good data
Throughout all business stages, from idea to maturity, one of the main challenges entrepreneurs face is to attract appropriate funding. Results of the GREEN-WIN research on business models indicate that some green entrepreneurs are at a disadvantage when they approach investors.
WP6 Workshop on the sharing economy business model and urban Transformation to Sustainability (T2S) a success!
On 19 June, Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford together with Institute for Economics, Tsinghua University (P R China) held the 2017 GREEN-WIN WP6 workshop titled “Is sharing economy an opportunity space for Transformation to Sustainability (T2S) in cities? Empirical...